Recorded lectures and talks

  1. KITP Programs @ University of California, Santa Barbara.

  2. Topological Matter School.

  3. LMU lecture series.

  4. Workshops at the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems.

  5. Recorded Seminar ArXiv at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.

  6. Les Houches condensed matter summer school.

  7. 冷原子物理青年学者学术讨论会.

Interesting lectures & papers

  1. David Tong’s Lecture series @ University of Cambridge.

  2. Eduardo Fradkin’s quantum field theory lectures.

  3. MIT open course, Quantum Optics by Wolfgang Ketterle.

  4. Applications of Group Theory to the Physics of Solids by M. S. Dresselhaus.

  5. Gerard ‘t Hooft, How to become a GOOD Theoretical Physicist.

  6. E. T. Bell, Men of Mathematics.