
Our group has broad interests in theoretical condensed matter physics, cold atom physics, and quantum simulation and their interdisciplinary areas. Our research focuses primarily on non-equilibrium quantum dynamics and topological quantum matter. Usually, the non-equilibrium systems under consideration are subject to Floquet driving, quantum quench, dissipation, non-Hermiticity, and interaction. Our overarching goal is to explore and understand new quantum states and quantum dynamics emergent from their intriguing interplay.

In the past 20 years, scientists have developed a wealth of quantum control methods and measurement technologies on artificial quantum simulation platforms such as ultracold atoms, ion traps, superconducting circuits, photons, and acoustic systems, which bring the study of novel quantum phenomena into a brand new stage. We stick closely to the latest experiments and usually, we let the approach fit the problem that is experimentally relevant and conceptually novel. Some commonly used theoretical and numerical tools include topology theory, knot theory, Bethe-Ansatz; density matrix renormalization group, Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation, Gross-Pitaevskii equation, machine learning, and so on.